Roleplaying aids, character sheets and other funky stuff to make your RPGs & boardgames more fun.
Unofficial Savage SLA Industries (100+ page Savage Worlds
- SLA Industries conversion)
Covers all the released SLA Industries sourcebooks, all the SLA
races (including playable necanthropes), equipment, drugs and ebb
powers. An entire chapter of statted antagonists. Character sheet.
Everything, in short, you need for a faster, more furious SLA
Savage SLA
Industries v 1.13 (Graphical, Full-Colour) (last update:
Savage SLA Industries v 1.13 (Printer Friendly)
(last update: 17/3/2010)
Savage SLA
Industries Character Sheet (last update: 3/9/2009)
Dark Lament Catalogue v 2.2 - Science Friction
items for use with Savage SLA Industries (last update: 13/7/2009)
SLA Hardware Catalogue v 1.5 - conversion of Chocolate
Frog's SLA Hardware Catalogue fan-book - contains LOTS of new
guns (last update: 9/6/2009)
Savage SLA industries is an unofficial conversion. SLA Industries is a copyright of Nightfall Games. Savage Worlds, and all associated logos and trademarks, is a copyright of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. This document in no way constitutes a threat to either copyright.
Please support the SLA Industries and Savage Worlds game lines. You can buy online at Cubicle 7 Entertainment for SLA, and Studio 2 Publishing for Savage Worlds, as well as all good game shops. You can also download a PDF of the SLA Industries core rules for free from Drive Thru RPG.
50 Fathoms
Screen-Style Ship-Combat Helpsheet v1.0 (last update: 4/9/2006)
Character Sheet
Worlds Character Sheet v1.8 (last update: 17/12/2008)
Everything you need from a Savage Worlds character sheet on just one
page. Inpired by the Cheyenne Wright's Training Wheels sheet but with an XP tracker,
space for gear and weapons, and a few other additions of my own, and
without so many of the rules that players know after a single
session. Still incorporates lots of combat rules though, for easy
reference during play and to help learn the subtleties of Savage
Worlds combat.
Savage Suzerain Character Sheet
Savage Suzerain Character Sheet v1.8 (last
update: 30/3/2010)
This version of my Savage Worlds sheet incorporates all the rules
changes needed for playing in the Savage Suzerain campaign setting,
and still fits on just one sheet!
Dice Roller
One Ring Dice Roller
(last update: 10/10/2012)
A Javascript-based dice roller for One Ring players and GMs. Allows for both skill rolls and
New Weapons
New Weapons for the One Ring RPG
(last update: 23/9/2011)
A small selection of new weapons, mostly based on those used by Norse and Saxon warriors.
Combat Stance Mat for Tracking Combat in
the One Ring RPG v1.1
(last update: 27/10/2011)
Print this stance mat and then use minis to track everyone's stance in combat. At the
beginning of each round, players can quickly move their minis. There's space to move the
mini onto should they roll an Eye of Sauron (and so be receiving a called shot next round),
and simply knock a mini over when a character takes Knockback.
Travel Role Mat for the One Ring RPG v1
(last update: 27/10/2011)
Print onto the back of the combat stance mat to track what role everyone is filling. Also
allows easy tracking of Fatigue and Hazards.
Improvised Spell Helper (last update: 18/11/2017)
A web app for calculating dice pools and paradox for spell casting.
Rogue Trader
Starship Size Visualizer (last update: 7/2/2012)
A Google Maps-based web app to let you fly 40K starships over real-world location and marvel at how very massive they are.
Hacking Cheat Sheet
Hacking Cheat sheet v1.1
update: 1/10/2010)
One page summary with flowchart of hacking system and rules references.
Formula... Death!
Formula Death v1.1 (last
update: 4/6/2009)
An unofficial expansion for Formula D, the high-octane racing board
game. Add even more excitement to your games by souping up your car
with weapons, armour and gadgets. Includes 64 colour upgrade cards
to print and play with.
Character Sheet
CthulhuTech Character
Sheet v1.1 (last update: 29/1/2008)
Dice Roller
CthulhuTech/Framewerk Dice Roller
(last update: 15/1/2008)
Roll those funky Framewerk dice online.
Character Sheet
Spirit of the Century Character Sheet (last update: 29/10/2007)
A character sheet for SotC containing the most commonly referenced
rules with a slightly Victorian feel.
Exalted 2nd Edition Character Sheets (Version Two: Four
Character Sheet v2.4 (last update: 16/6/2007)
Exalted 2nd Edition Character Sheets (Version One: Two
Character Sheet v.1.8 (last update: 18/5/2006)
Solar Character Sheet v.1.8 by Maddman75(last update: 27/3/2007)
Character Sheet v.1.1 (last update: 8/5/2007)
Charm Page v1.0 (last update: 19/5/2006)
Exalted 2nd Edition Battlewheel
Battlewheel (and DV Penalty
Tracker) v1.1 (last update: 26/5/2007)
Exalted 1st Edition Character Sheets
Dragon Blooded
Character Sheet v.2.5 (Power Combat Version) (last update:
Solar Character
Sheet v.2.2 (Power Combat Version) (last update: 7/10/2004)
Character Sheet v.1.2 (Power Combat Version) (last update:
Lunar Character
Sheet v.1.1 (Power Combat Version) (last update: 31/1/2005)
The Best 25 Martial Arts on the Exalted Wiki (Formatted
For Printing)
25 Lotus Petals v1.2 (last update: 21/7/2005) -
Requires Acrobat
Reader 7
Sidereal Astrology
Astrology Calculator v.1.3 (last update: 6/10/2004)
Exalted Astrology Calculator v.1.3 (Form-fillable)
(last update: 6/10/2004)
One Roll
Astrology (last update: 22/10/2004)
Raksha Shaping Combat
Reference Cards v.1.2 (last update:22/2/2004)
Name Generator
Exalted Name Generator
(last update: 15/10/2004)
Exalted Dice Roller for PbP
games (last update: 25/3/2004)
Wuxalted Dice Roller
for PbP games (last update: 3/3/2006)
Exalted Dice Result
Generator (last update: 25/2/2005)
Exalted-Wushu Conversion
Wuxalted Conversion v.1.5
(last update: 23/11/2004)
Character Sheet (last update:
Character Sheet
F*cked Up UA Sheet v.1.2 (last update: 7/6/2004)
Unknown Armies is such an underappreciated system
Unknown Ages: Conan-style games using Unknown Armies (last update: 15/12/2004)
Seemed a good idea at the time
31/1/2025: I'm back! Better late than never! Sorry for the absence. I have travelled the world with triplet children and
survived (so far) a rather nasty brain cancer. I also wrote a few rather popular gaming web apps that are no longer available: an X-wing Squadron Builder that had over 2 million
visits, a dice roller for Mage: The Awakening, a Gaslands team builder app, a dice roller for SLA Industries 2nd Edition, an Eclipse Phase 2nd Edition dice roller, a Stargrave team builder,
and a few others I can't remember. Unfortunately, I decided to give them all separate domain names because the host I found was dead cheap... but then they went bust. So now
they're gone. Sorry.
10/10/2012: Added my own weapons to the One Ring dice roller
16/9/2011: One Ring Dice Roller
1/10/2010: New Hacking Cheat sheet for Eclipse Phase
17/3/2010: Fixed a few typos and layout issues in Savage SLA. Nothing major.
2/9/2009: New version of Savage SLA Industries featuring lots of fixes, tweaks, and new edges.
13/7/2009: Updated the Dark Lament catalogue for Savage SLA Industries
2/6/2009: Lots of new weapons for Savage SLA Industries in the SLA Hardware Catalogue
12/11/2008: New Savage Worlds character sheet
29/10/2007: Character sheet for Spirit of the Century
31/8/2007: New versions of Savage SLA Industries conversion (now including Grit Stormer) and character sheet
11/7/2007: Added Advanced Carrien to Savage SLA
9/7/2007: Savage SLA Industries: A full conversion of SLA Industries to Savage World's rules; heavily playtested and very fun
5/6/2007: New 2nd Edition solar character sheet is up (v2). An almost completely new layout. Now with 4 pages!
26/5/2007: Battlewheel with cunning DV tracker bands
30/4/2007: Savage SLA Industries character sheet
7/10/2006: 2nd Edition Dragonblooded sheet for Exalted.
4/9/2006: Savage World's Ship Combat Sheet I made for my 50 Fathoms game.
18/5/2006: 2nd Edition Solar sheet is up! Thanks for your encouragement everyone and feel free to email me any feedback.
03/03/2006: Dice roller for Wuxalted.
21/07/2005: Added lots of new words to the Name Generator.
15/7/2005: Ten new styles to the Martial Arts PDF. Also reformatted for easier reading and added a cover and lots of funky artwork.
24/3/2005: Updated the dice roller to give results in different formats.
Contact Me: (feedback & suggestions always welcome)
Support This Site: If you like what you find here, please use the Amazon box when you search and buy from Amazon. It costs you no extra but I earn 5% back on your order to keep paying for this site. Thanks! Or just enjoy it for free - monetizing the web has been a horrid downward spiral. I'm old enough to remember it all being free for everybody and everyone contributing their time and effort without a thought of profit. Stupid capitalism.